The transition from Slow-lane to Fast-lane wealth accumulation

It's one of the processes of accumulating wealth, noticing the flow, capturing it,

I arrived in Phoenix for $ 900, no work, 330 days off, friends, family, and look forward to coming to Fastlan. I had an old mattress, a rusty 10-year-old Buick Skylark with no third gear, some cheap by-products, hundreds of pounds. The starting point for my new life was a small studio in Phoenix for $ 475.
month. I turned my studio into an office. No bedding, no furniture, just a mattress that went into the kitchen. I slept with cake pops which was a side effect of putting a mattress next to the kitchen table. I lived in poverty and security, but I felt rich. I was master of my life. A:
One of the many businesses I started was a website. While driving this limousine in Chicago, I sometimes stopped for hours and spent a lot of time reading books. I wasted no time. While waiting for customers at the airport, or being destroyed in the local canal, I sat in the limo and read: And read on. I researched everything from finance to online applications to the biographies of the richest people.
The limo work did something special. it put me at the forefront of unresolved needs. One of my limo clients asked me if I knew of any good limo companies in New York. I left a guide at the airport, but he left me an invention. If I live in Chicago and need a limousine in New York, where will I get it? I did not have the New York yellow pages,
Of course, no one outside of New York did that. Confronted with this question, I came to the conclusion that other travelers had the same problem. So I created a website that would solve this problem. Of course, there are no geo-restrictions on the internet, so this transaction went smoothly in Phoenix. But like my previous business, it did not make much money.
But now it was different. I was naked in an unknown village with no money, no job, no security. I had to concentrate. I made an aggressive statement about my website. I sent messages. Cold calls. Letters sent. I researched search engine optimization (SEO). Since I could not afford to buy books, I went to the Phoenix Library every day to learn Internet programming languages. I improved my website և I learned graphic design և writing. I did my best to help.
Then one day I had a breakthrough. I got a call from a company in Kansas who were passionate about my website service and wanted to design their website. Although I did not focus on web design, I chose the $ 400 price tag. They thought the price was stolen, I created the company website within 24 hours. I was excited. I received most of the payment within 24 hours. Then, coincidentally, 24 hours later, I received another call from a New York company asking me to create the same new website. I designed it for $ 600, it took me two days. I had rent.
Now, I know it's not a lot of money, but I wanted to win $ 50 million in Powerball to get $ 1,000 out of poverty in three days. For the first time in my life during my first few months in Phoenix, I gained ground and survived on my own.
No flower young. No buses. There is no pizza delivery. The mother was not removed. I was just self-employed. I was in a remarkable acceleration, the wind blowing in the direction of a new universe of wealth creation. But something was still wrong. Something was missing, I knew it. Most of my income came from designing my website, not from my advertising business. My income was linked to the time of creating websites. Working on websites has meant more time և if I do not work, my income will stop. My time was running out

They changed my life for 90 seconds

A friend came from Chicago in the winter. I showed him my web directory, I was impressed with the traffic I received. I get inquiries every minute about the price of limousine around the world. How much does a limousine from Boston to Worcester cost? How far is JFK from Manhattan? We scanned my mailbox և it contained 450 letters. Ten minutes have passed, click "Fresh", then 30 letters will appear. The letters fell within minutes. He suggested. "Friend. Somehow turn these letters into money." He was right, but how? And how can this be a legal necessity? He left me out
this problem: I was going to solve it. A few days later, I created and tested an untested dangerous solution. What should I do? Instead of selling ad space, I decided to sell it to potential customers. However, there was a problem. This "revenue model" was a new pioneer. I also had to convince my clients that this method of doing business is right for them և I did not have the data to predict if it would be successful. Remember, it was the late 1990s when the network's "leadership generation" was unfounded, at least until I came out.
However, I took a risk and got it. In the short term, I was hoping the change would kill my income, and it did. I expected it to take a few months if it worked. In the first month, the new system brought in $ 473. Jim! I created more websites to fill the revenue gap. Income for the second month was $ 694. The third month is $ 970. Toe $ 1832. $ 2314. $ 3733. And he continued
He continued. It worked.
My income, my income և my property has grown geometrically, but not without problems. As traffic grew, so did complaints, opinions, and issues. Improvements came directly from customer offerings. During the day, sometimes for hours, I generated ideas from customers. As you know, I answered mine
Customer email in minutes, even hours. I learned to greet the consumer և business exploded.
The working days became long and difficult. It was forty hours of rest. The standard working week was 60 hours. Days and weekends follow one another. While my new friends drank and gambled, I sat in my apartment and smelled the code. I did not know it was Thursday or Saturday և it does not matter. It was the glory of hard work. There was no desire to work. I like it a lot. I had no job; I wanted to change the situation.
Thousands of people used what I created, what I was used to
process. I made a difference. I started collecting customer feedback.
"My work has increased tenfold for you."
"Your website has made me one of my biggest corporate clients."
"Your company has played an important role in the development of my business."
This view was the currency of wealth. I was not overwhelmed with wealth yet, but I felt rich

Source: The Millionaire Fast Track by MJ DeMARCO

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