The 90 seconds that changed my life and you too

This is a life experience, I am sure you will enjoy reading this if you are really looking for a way to get rich.

I grew up in Chicago and I have a pig with my friends. I wasn't interested in teenage girls or sports, but I slept in a bag full of buttery biscuits, watching Tom-in-Jerry run again.

There were no parental controls. My mother divorced my father many years ago, leaving my two older sisters and brothers in the care of a single mother. Her mother had no college education or career until she qualified to work as a deep-fryer at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Left to my instincts, I usually eat sweet վերջին last episode of A-Team. My work was photographed with a long broken broom. I used it as a TV remote because the original was broken and too lazy to move. When I moved, my destination was often the local ice cream shop. Sweet fun was a goal I could believe in.

That day was like all days. I wanted ice cream. I caught my next taste and went to an ice cream parlor. When I arrived, he was there. I ran into my dream car. The famous Lamborghini counterattack from the popular movie "Cannonball" of the 80s. Astonished as an all-powerful king, she looked at him as a worshiper of her god. Surprisingly, the idea of ​​ice cream never crossed my mind.

On the wall of my living room, engraved in my favorite car magazine, I was very familiar with the Lamborghini Countach. Vicious, evil, obscenely nimble, spaceship doors are very expensive. However, it was here that Elvis came to life a few meters away. His raw jewelry looked like an artisan waiting for real money. Lines, curves and folds.

I drove for several minutes until a young man came out of the ice cream parlor and walked up to the car. Maybe it's the owner? Generally. He must not be over 25 years old. I was dressed in blue jeans and an oversized flannel shirt that I spotted as an Iron Maiden holiday shirt, insisting it didn't belong in it. I was waiting for the old man - wrinkles, gray hair,
And two seasons dressed late. No. - What massacre? I suspect. How does a young man kick while driving such a car? For God's sake, the car is more expensive than the house where I live! I think he should win the lottery. Hmm, maybe some rich kid who inherited the family fortune. No, this is a professional athlete. Yeah, that sounds pretty shitty to me, BT doesn't seem to me either. Suddenly, a bold idea came to my mind. "Hey MG, why don't you ask this man what to do?" Can I stand on the sidewalk in amazement, talking to myself? When I dared to feel the adrenaline, I watched my feet turn towards the car as if my mind disagreed. My brother had ridicule in my head: Danger, Will Robinson and Danger.

Feeling my gaze, the owner opened the door and hid his fear behind a forced smile. The car door jumps vertically in the air instead of swinging like in a normal car. He kicked me out of the game, I tried to stay calm, as if the cars in front of the entrance were the perfect fare. What could be no more than 20 words sounded like a novel. This was my chance և I took it. "Excuse me, sir?" I muttered in panic, hoping he wouldn't ignore me. “May I ask what you are doing?” Emphasizing that I am not a teenager, the host responded lovingly. "I'm an inventor." I'm surprised that his answer doesn't match my previous idea. my
Ready-made questions were cancelled, which paralyzed my next move. A few minutes ago, I froze like the ice cream I wanted. Realizing the possibility of escape, the young owner of Lamborghini got into the driver's seat, closed the door and started the engine. A loud roar of fatigue is heard
Through the parking lot, Lamborghini warns everyone of the terrible presence. Whether we like it or not, the conversation is over.

Knowing that such a scene could have happened years ago, I held a mental list of independent unicorns in front of me. Suddenly a nerve tract opened in my brain, I woke up.

The rich don't slow down

What changed that day? I hung up, a new circumstance became clear. The sweets I had that day I never made in a store. I turned around and went home with a new reality. I was not an athlete, I could not sing, I could not play, but I could get rich without fame and physical talent.

From that moment on, everything changes. The Lamborghini meeting lasted 90 seconds, but it went beyond a life of new beliefs, orientations and choices. I decided that one day I will have a Lamborghini և I will do it at a young age. I wasn't ready to wait for my next meeting, my next random experiment, my next poster. I wanted it for myself. Yes, the broom calmed down and left the thick hole.

Source: Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMARCO.
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