Seven Cures for Lean Purse : Make your Gold Multiply

Here is the third purse of the drug, read carefully;

"Look, your wallet is a little thick. You set yourself up to save one-tenth of everything you do
won. You have managed your expenses to protect your growing wealth. Then we think
it means using and multiplying the person you love. It is very useful and pleasant to have gold in your wallet
is a stingy spirit, but not worthy of anything. The gold we can save from our salaries is just the beginning. benefit
He will build our wealth. Arcade spoke about it in front of the third day class. "How do we use our gold?" My first investment was a shame, because I lost everything. History
I'll tell you later. My first profitable investment was a loan I gave to a shield master named Aggar. Once a year, he bought large quantities of bronze from abroad to use in his trade. He borrowed from those who had additional coins because he did not have enough capital to settle with the merchants. He is a gentleman. He would pay his debt and his generous rent by selling his shield. "Every time I lend him something, I lend him the pension he paid me. It increases not only my capital, but also his income. It is better to return that amount to my wallet."
“I tell you, my disciples, it is not in the coins that a man carries in his bag of wealth; income
A steady stream of gold flowed from his built-in wallet, forcing him to always expand it. Every man wants that. This is what each of you wants; current income
Come, work or go. "I made a lot of money. I consider myself a very rich person. My loan in Aggar was my first training for a profitable investment. Using the wisdom of this experience, I expanded my loans and investments as capital." The first few sources, many subsequent sources, the flow of gold wealth flowing into my wallet is available for smart use when I choose.
“Behold, I have raised a great number of golden slaves from my meager income, and each of them has worked hard and earned.
more gold. As they work for me, so do their children and grandchildren, and the income from the joint venture is huge.

Happy companies play differently

“As you can see below, gold grows rapidly when you make a decent profit:
When his first son was born, the farmer brought ten pieces of silver to the moneylender and asked him to leave.
leased to his son under the age of twenty. Lenders do this and accept it
The rent is a quarter of its value every four years. The farmer asked for this amount because he determined it himself
to divide the property of his son and add a rank to the manager.
"When the child was twenty, the farmer returned to the plaintiff
Learn about money. The lender explains that this amount was increased through com
The pound sterling, which was originally ten silver coins, has now risen to thirty-and-a-half coins.
"The farmer was very happy and left the money to his son because he did not need the coins.
creditor. When his son was fifty, his father went to the Hereafter,
the creditor gave his son one hundred and sixty-seven silver coins.
"Thus, in 50 years, leased investment has increased by about seventeen times.
"So this is the third antidote to other people's wallets: use each coin to replicate its appearance like a flock in a field, and a constant flow of wealth into your pocket to help you make a profit."

The first tool from a thin wallet

Source: "The Richest Man in Babylon" by George C. Clayson

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