Cures for Lean Purse ; Increase your Ability to Earn

If you still don’t know how to improve, learn from it

“Today, my students, I’m talking to you about one of the most important solutions for thin pockets.
Not about gold, but about yourself and the jewelers sitting in front of you
I. I tell you this in the minds and lives of those who work for and against
- So did Arkad talk to the class on the seventh day?
Shortly afterwards, a young man approached me with a loan. When I asked him why he was there
He complained that the profits were not enough to cover the costs. Then I explained
He was a bad customer because in this case he was not interested in creditors
Opportunity to repay the loan.
"Young man, all you have to do is make a lot of coins."
Win equality?

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"All I can do is answer."
My salary will increase, but I will not succeed. No one can walk often.
“We could have laughed easily, but it was one of the most important revenue-generating factors. He had a strong desire to get more, which was reasonable and commendable.
“Now we have heard. Your desires must be strong and unique. Common desires are only weak desires. The desire to be rich is insignificant. This can motivate you to obey.
Once you want to protect the five golds by deciding to keep them, the next thing you can do is start all over again.
He found the same ways to get ten pieces, then twenty, and then a thousand pieces, and there he got rich. Learning to prove some small interest in her, she trained herself
Check above. It is a process of accumulating wealth: first in small quantities, then
The older a person gets, the more he learns and becomes more capable.
“The desire should be simple and realistic.
To go beyond human integration or learning.
“As a person improves his vocation, his chances of winning increase
When I was a humble writer, I saw others cut dirt instead of copper every day.
The workers beat me and paid me the best salary. So he decided he needed to be defeated
nothing else. I don’t need much to know the reason for greater success. I'm more interested
Work hard, pay more attention to my work, be more persistent in my efforts, and here are a few men who can do more pills a day than I do. Ask for the recognition of my teacher.
“The more we know wisdom, the more we can get it. This person wants to learn more about the profession
There are many awards. If you are a master, you can try to master the most experienced techniques and tools in the same field. If you practice law or healthcare, you can consult over the phone and share your knowledge. If you are an entrepreneur, you can always look for the best products that can be purchased at a lower price.
"As strong men strive to better serve those who depend on their protection, men's affairs are constantly evolving and improving. So I urge everyone to take the initiative and stand up, you will not be left behind."
“Much enriches life through experience. Things like: a
If a person respects himself, he must do so.
“You need to pay off your debts as soon as possible and not buy what you can’t afford.
“He needs to take care of his family so that people can think and talk about him.
"If you are called by the gods, you must affirm the justice and dignity of your goods."
“You have to be kind and compassionate to the victims and help them within reasonable limits. You have to be considerate of the people you love. ”
Thus, the seventh and final cure for bad habits is to practice, learn and be wise, be smarter, more self-respect, more attentive to needs.
“Now we have heard.
I recommend it to anyone who wants to live.
“My disciples, there is more gold in Babylon than you would like. That's enough for everyone. "
“Go and follow these truths, do good and be as rich as you can.
"Go and teach them these truths, that all the noble subjects of His Majesty may share their freedom."
Friendship in the wealth of our beloved city »

Source: Rich man in Babylon George C. Clayson


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